


I've had a lot of frightening moments at night with friends, but the only creepy story I can remember is being by myself.

I was living far out in the country, in a small neighborhood hidden in the forest, where it was common to have wild animals roaming around at night. We had a few bears and a lot of wild hog that were known to come close to the neighborhood, but at this time there were also sightings of black panthers.

I had slept over at a friend's house, but around two in the morning I decided I wanted to go back to my place which was on the other side of the community. It wasn't too far, maybe a mile, so I set forth into the darkness. The farther I ventured from my friend's front porch, the thicker the night became. I was soon barley making my way in the old dirt road, to the point that I had to rely on my memory to figure out where I was going.

I was coming around a corner where I had to push through some forest overgrowth, when I heard a twig snap somewhere to my left. The night was suddenly quiet. The crickets had paused, the wind was dead. I was very aware of the heavy sound of my breathing.

And then I heard the creepiest sound of my life. It was a slow, high pitch whine. It sounded like an infant child beginning to wake up from its nap and cry for mommy, except it wasn't a baby and there was another deadly sound mixed in. There was a light clicking noise at the end of the whine. I was terrified.

I broke into a full sprint, completely disregarding any idea of stealth, and tried my hardest not to scream. I heard another twig snap in the night, this time further behind me, and then the noise happened again. It was much more vicious, and this time instead of a clicking at the end it was a growl.

By the time I had burst through my front door and slammed it shut, I was crying. I locked the door and ran to my dad's room to wake him up and explain what happened. He just fucking laughed at me and told me to go to sleep. The next morning he said it was probably a black panther, and how they were known to make the sound of a crying baby. I never knew what to believe, but I sure as hell never went roaming in the dark again.

[–] Butler_crosley 2 points (+2|-0)

The mascots for my town's schools are Panthers because of a local legend about there being black panthers in the area at one point.