I'm trying to think of some conspiracy too outrageous for voat, but I'm drawing a blank.

I'm trying to think of some conspiracy too outrageous for voat, but I'm drawing a blank.


[–] Justintoxicated 6 points (+6|-0) Edited

That the main stream media intentionally acted as a foil to get long time media personality Donald Trump elected, the CIA known for rigging elections intentionally hand picked Trump and organized the thing. This was done as a means of creating a polarizing figure as the perfect distraction which was done as deal between the CIA and major media with the media getting a president that will produce so much free content for them that they do not need to invest in active journalism while the CIA gets to run it's covert actions without fear of having it's cover blown by investigative journalists. Congress agreed to this as it also allows them to easily push through pet/controversial legislation without receiving any scrutiny/coverage by the media.