[–] PhuksMulder 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Oh unrelated but finally started on the pub css for here and poal.

Literally just got started. The only css I did when I had few the other day was removing some clutter

/*removes "created by"*/
body > div:nth-child(3) > div.sidebar.pure-u-1.pure-u-md-6-24 > div.createdby {
display: none;}
/*removes subscriber counter*/
body > div:nth-child(3) > div.sidebar.pure-u-1.pure-u-md-6-24 > div.subs {
display: none;}

and just making notes of where different selectors etc were. Been testing out a lot of rgb gradient edits so far but can't seem to find a mix that's just right.

I'll work on it tomorrow more if I get a chance but for convenience sake I just dropped the css in


Don't really want to mess w/ any of the main subs while I'm trying to pick out color schemes etc. The css would be changing on them constantly and some will look quite hideous while I work out some kinks

Great. I'm glad you know that stuff, I'm clueless about CSS. If you document it well in the text, I can follow along and modify when needed, but even then I'm really hesitant to go mucking around. This is best left to you and others. Thanks for doing it.

[–] PhuksMulder 0 points (+0|-0)

I'm somewhat terrible at css b/c I do it infrequently. It's pretty much just a bunch of clicking around inspecting elements and testing selectors while I get back up to speed and more comfortable. By the time I figure out what I'm doing I don't mess w/ it again for a long time. Any web portals I set up at work for stuff like are just boiler plate templates more or less. I have to comment everything I do out or I'd have a pain in the ass changing anything later. Anyways feel free to break whatever and watch anything I change as it goes along. Im sending you an invite to charlie work here in a sec. I back it all up so if it breaks all to hell I've got it saved anyways.