Specifically, something that allows the following item in the TOS to be removed or eased.

Posting content of any kind that incites discrimination, hate or violence towards one person or a group of people because of their belonging to a race, religion or nation is strictly prohibited.

Inciting 'discrimination, hate or violence' isn't my thing, but clearly it's important to many people who might contribute or increase site activity.

Free speech is an attractive ideal for me and many others - unfortunately following through with it means giving up a lot of website control.

Specifically, something that allows the following item in the TOS to be removed or eased. > Posting content of any kind that incites discrimination, hate or violence towards one person or a group of people because of their belonging to a race, religion or nation is strictly prohibited. Inciting 'discrimination, hate or violence' isn't my thing, but clearly it's important to many people who might contribute or increase site activity. Free speech is an attractive ideal for me and many others - unfortunately following through with it means giving up a lot of website control.


[–] Sarcastaway 3 points (+3|-0)

The only thing I don't like about the ToS are the restrictions it places on language. I can certainly live without promoting actual hate or violence, but a good slur is a wonderful thing when used correctly.

As a side note, I find the modern usage of the word "discrimination" pretty silly. In the strictest legal sense of the word, the ToS prevents voicing any persuasive opinion which might lead to a decision relating to a person.

So one might argue that given the US' ruling that corporations are people, this post is in violation of the ToS because you make a good case for choosing a new host ;)

[–] smallpond [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

Yes, I'm inciting discrimination against hosting providers that necessitate discrimination clauses - which is basically inciting discrimination, violence and hatred towards the races, religions or nations mentioned in those clauses.

I agree the TOS clause is ridiculously vague - if some unreasonable person in power is not on your side, good luck trying to cover your ass.

[–] nomad_goat 1 points (+1|-0)

Discrimination is a catch all (read lazy) phrase. And as useful to normal users as a zero tolerance policy is for students. Im not looking to go around and start a lunch mob, but I do want to talk about race and culture as it affects the society I live in.