Just interested in learning about some of the lesser discussed misconceptions about historical figures. Everyone knows about Thomas Edison, but I'm more interested in hearing about people who were equally as famous but those whose "fame-stealing" isn't' as widely known.

Just interested in learning about some of the lesser discussed misconceptions about historical figures. Everyone knows about Thomas Edison, but I'm more interested in hearing about people who were equally as famous but those whose "fame-stealing" isn't' as widely known.


[–] Mattvision 4 points (+4|-0)

A lot of people don't know this, but Osama Bin Laden didn't actually plan OR execute 9/11, George W. Bush did. Bin Laden just took credit for it.

[–] CDanger 3 points (+3|-0)

It goes deeper. The CIA and Mossad actually planned it but OBL just took credit after GWB messed up the planning the first time in 1993 and couldn't be trusted with operation 2.0.