Me? I've recently quit smoking on July 1st, after 8 years. Wanted to know who else has something they've overcome recently/previously and want to share.

Me? I've recently quit smoking on July 1st, after 8 years. Wanted to know who else has something they've overcome recently/previously and want to share.


[–] PhunkyPlatypus 4 points (+4|-0) Edited

Completing every online achievement in call of duty World At War. My clan leader set out a challange to do so with the promise of a prize. After just over 14 days of play time, I finally completed it. The hardest part was the patience in getting the 3,300 some odd head shots. Those fucking bolt action rifles and that double barrel shotgun were the worst.

Anyways my prize was some cookies and candy from Canada and a pair of (unworn) call of duty boxers (that I still possess).

Congrats on quitting smoking by the way.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)


Ive heard of this happening but I didnt know it ACTUALLY DOES.

Thank you, the withdrawls have started to subside, so its a easier

[–] PhunkyPlatypus 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

Of the boxers or the achievments?

Because I haven't had a ps3 since 2011 or so. So backing up my claim is a bit more difficult, TheRealMcNeal would vouch for me though.

Edit: does anyone know if it's possible to look up achievements and stuff on psn. Com or something?

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

the boxers, but I wouldnt mind the achievements. I believe you, nonetheless.

Try posting that in another sub, Im not sure if it will be found in this long ass comment reply thread.