first time back in the 90's
787 dreamliner First flight July 8, 2007
A380 Airbus first flight on 27 April 2005
>first time back in the 90's
>787 dreamliner
First flight July 8, 2007
>A380 Airbus
first flight on 27 April 2005
Well shit. Then I dunno what it was.
Well shit. Then I dunno what it was.
Twice. The first time back in the 90's is was either a 787 dreamliner or possibly an A380 Airbus. I don't even remember how I got the opportunity. I mainly remember the spiral staircase to the second story and didn't much care of the dials and controls of the cockpit.
The other one was at an air show probably about 15 years ago. A bad storm had rolled in on the second and last day which grounded all performances. Attendance was shot so they offered free tours of various aircraft to the handful of people who showed up. So I got to walk around in a B-25 Mitchell. Again, wasn't too focused on the cockpit but I remember it a bit more.