another in a string of liars claiming to be all about free speech, but actually just niggers and SJW safe space faggots in disguise?

another in a string of liars claiming to be all about free speech, but actually just niggers and SJW safe space faggots in disguise?


[–] pembo210 2 points (+2|-0)

We're not claiming shit. I just wanted to learn how to use ptython3 for websites and this was an easy layout since we all know it.

Well someone made the claim over on /r/redditalternatives that this was an alternative.

I assumed it had to be about free speech. I mean that is the big point of contention. What else is there?

Clearly it isn't about a new interface or user experience as this is just a clone of reddit in that regard.

So what makes this an alternative?

[–] pembo210 1 points (+1|-0)

That was Techius. He spammed the link to reddit and voat because he was butthurt about us not letting him do something. There's still lot's to do and there is actually a new UI in the works. This format is plain enough that we could throw it up and get to work on features and worry about it later.

I put in over 100 hours building an app for voat using the new API. I mostly just got bored and tired of waiting for it to be released, so we started this site on the side (something something and blackjack and hookers).. The source and bug/feature system is setup at https://ph.polsaker.com

[–] E-werd 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

No one's claimed anything. All claims to this point are a fabrication.

[–] SilverBanana 1 points (+1|-0)

I was discontent with Voat, and since I am not under contractual obligation to use it, I chose different content aggregator