I've noticed that some fairly good posts are downvoted into oblivion on voat without any reason... maybe the user is an "enemy"? I'm sure there're some SBBH types that all brigade together on their least favoured users. What strikes me as odd is there is no justification on -5 -7 posts... so five or seven people downvote and don't even leave a reason? weird and not cool. just attacking a user.
Wouldn't it be nice if people had to at the least justify downvote? It's an opportunity to learn how to better post if you really fucked up as OP... however most things shouldn't be downvoted though if there's effort from OP... amiright? thoughts?
It's not just posting. There's a whole host of behaviors that are worthy of a community's ire and they can all be summed up as "divisive". Now whether you define that as arrogance or insane to the point of expletives or some other behavior, if it breaks the spirit of the community, it doesn't belong. Call it a "social contract" to which you agree when you join that community. If reddit, it's generally radical left viewpoints. If voat, it's radical right. If raddit, it's extreme radical left. If facebook, it's.... well, more leftist behavior. If tumbler, it's a whole different collection of unhealthy behaviors. If steemit, it's generally good behavior because money is at stake.
The point of the matter is that it is nature to peck the oddball chick to death and there is generally a good reason for it. Being downvoted should be considered an incentive to learn your community and help them instead of exhibiting contrary behavior.