I have made a post with exactly this title in past.
Last time the consensus was "No preference, variety is good".

Since that time I have received messages telling me to stop using YT and post everything with a hooktube link.
And now I've got another person telling me to stop using Hooktube.

So I'd like to hear from anyone that has an opinion one way or the other.

My take is that YT is the worst thing in existence for online creators. By supporting alternatives, we create potential for a brighter the future without a YT monopoly. So I have been using YT for small creators, but Hook for all else.
I agree that the hook player is inferior to the YT player. But if the choice is between shitty player, or shitty company, I'm willing to take a hit on usability.

What do you think?

I have made a post with exactly this title in past. Last time the consensus was "No preference, variety is good". Since that time I have received messages telling me to stop using YT and post everything with a hooktube link. And now I've got another person telling me to stop using Hooktube. So I'd like to hear from anyone that has an opinion one way or the other. My take is that YT is the worst thing in existence for online creators. By supporting alternatives, we create potential for a brighter the future without a YT monopoly. So I have been using YT for small creators, but Hook for all else. I agree that the hook player is inferior to the YT player. But if the choice is between shitty player, or shitty company, I'm willing to take a hit on usability. What do you think?


[–] OeeThaGreat 1 points (+1|-0)

Don't worry about what other people think. Just post what you want. That's what I do anyway.

In the end, that's what I do.
But I like to make an informed decision.

It will have some impact on my habits here though. I post things because I think others will enjoy them.
If they don't like the format, then I might be wasting my time.