[–] Adhdferret 2 points (+2|-0)

The words they use and how they say it.

I am big on self reliance. If someone says I don't know to my face....in retail or whatever I leave or they speak down to you instead of at you....I leave.

If someone says let me find out in place of I don't know.....I will buy and speak directly with management and take the time to write a letter or email to their supperior as well if meeting someone and speaking yeah that is a person I know I can get along with.

May be counter productive, but if someone is self defeating in meet up I am done with them and I won't hesitate to say why. I don't like mixed messages myself so I feel it is important to be very clear with intent and meaning.

Many don't like it at all because of feelz...so what world hates you....when life gives you lemons hand it orange juice so everyone around you asks you how the fuck you did that.

Adaptation is a skill that seems to be lacking with society today. You can't fight sometimes, so you learn to work around it and make due with what you have....

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

I'm going to disagree with you. I've met way too many people who are very sure of themselves, without the knowledge or brains to back it up. I've had Apple "Geniuses" tell me utter bullshit while keeping a straight face because they didn't know any better. I've had sales people at Best Buy, construction contractors, accounts receivable clerks and business owners do the same phuking thing. I would more believe a person who is honest enough to say "I don't know" rather than one who pulls it out of his ignorant nether regions.

[–] Adhdferret 0 points (+0|-0)

You didn't read what I said did ya?

When they replace I don't know with let me find out.

That is all about confidence and wording really. Shows they are interested in your needs as a customer and not theirs to shove you out the door and move to the next.

More customer service than anything else, which is why I go as far as I can to make sure they are recongnized for it and rewarded as to encourage others to do the same.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

If someone says I don't know to my face....in retail or whatever I leave

I did not read what you said. I did read what you wrote. You wrote, as quoted above, that if someone says "I don't know" you leave. They were honest to you. They admitted to you that they didn't know.

You answered OP that self-reliance was important to you. However, the question /u/sidewalker_Principle asked was about intelligence. Did you read that?