I've come to a conclusion today that I have a void in my life, I have no outlet for creativity.
It's not that I'm not creative, more that I'm not traditionally creative. I don't write, draw, paint, sculpt, or anything like that. The closest I ever got was mapping for Quake. My creativity is based in problem solving. I can't figure out how to apply that to a hobby of some sort.
What do you guys do?
I fix things.
I have a 30x40x16 pole barn with every tool imaginable and a huge air compressor. I have a large house, 3.5 acres, four cars (kids), and a large boat - all of which equal a huge pile of shit going wrong. Something's always breaking so I'm always fixing something. Sometimes it's overwhelming but also the most satisfying thing ever. Tomorrow I have to fix a broken sprinkler line.