The Paul McCartney replacement theory is probably the strangest one. Icke's reptilian theory is another.

Icke disappoints me a bit...he's right about a lot of stuff, but then he veers off into weird replitian overlord territory and just loses me.

[–] chmod 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

The twin towers and Tower 7 were brought down in a controlled explosion.

I thought this was pretty much accepted, that it was an inside job? Do you believe the official narrative?

I'm not trying to sound rude or anything, just am genuinely curious. I love hearing different view points, which is why I started this thread in the first place.

[–] Adhdferret 2 points (+2|-0)

If you got nothing to hide then you shouldn't worry about such an intrustion into your life by the cops.

Everyone I know called me paranoid for so long, but I saw the signs of a police state long before the Boston bomber man hunt. I bring this one up because it is the most stand out event of recent times.

The police rolled down the street of small town America with APC and were going door to door searching homes by force in the name of security. If you care then you can see what else they did on your own with items they found in the homes.

I will not tell you because it promotes you to do so.

On top of all this how everyone just goes about their lives with all the knowledge they were told about so many things. Like the 80% ghost guns. As OP can tell you most if not all people you encounter will be of the mindset that you have broke the law making your own firearm.

I for one do not hold myself at a greater position with anything due to having a firearm....much less one that I HAD to make myself. I assure you that I do not have any reasons to be prohibited upon the purchase of a firearm..

I do not think I am the only one like this, but I am one of the few out there that knows when to pick and choose their battles. The fight with the ATF is one. Sure I can let them dive as deep as they want into my life in order to verify me and decide if I should be allowed to exercise my own rights...rights that I gave 7 years of my own life defending when I served in this nations military.

The conspiracy here is that if you see something say something.

Society thrives upon it's acceptance by a higher authority. It just does and with the newest generation being of 21 you can see this on Reddit /guns. Go look I dare you.

It isn't about the use of the firearm or it's functional aspects.....no it is about a paint job, or how much money they have and you don't. Sure I got cheap shit for my builds, but guess what.....it works, and it works fucking good.

Isn't that all that matters? This community is small and that is likely what is keeping it so open to ideas from others like myself. Sure I will go on and on about something, but you ever and I mean ever want to know something about the areas I talk about just ask me.

I won't hesitate to answer. Just like I think everyone else here will. Biggest like you ever told yourself is that you know everything and others are just going to treat you like an idiot for asking.

[–] PhunkyPlatypus 3 points (+3|-0)

My favorite joke conspiracy is that fluoride in the water turns the frogs gay.

My favorite real conspiracy is much more difficult to prove or disprove and that's number stations. They're definitely Real, but their purpose is shrouded in mystery.

The only concrete things I've been able to find is a British politician claiming they're "not for public consumption". And a US case from 2000-2001 in which a Cuban spy ring known as the Miami 5 We're charged with using the Havana station to communicate.

[–] 80HD 4 points (+4|-0)

It's not fluoride, it's a pesticide that has a side effect of being an endocrine disruptor called Atrazine. You can read about it here and here... or don't.

And you can read about the effects of fluoride on intelligence here.

[–] 80HD 0 points (+0|-0)

While I agree that sodium fluoride is harmful, the article you linked did not distinguish between sodium fluoride and calcium fluoride. Having a statement like "Fluoride is known to have both beneficial and adverse effects on humans." without distinguishing between the two is adverse.

[–] jobes 5 points (+5|-0)

Diffusing eucalyptus oil and breathing it in will cure a cold.

One of my previous roommate's mom was big into the holistic medicine scene and raised her kids to think medical doctors are frauds. He had these elaborate oil sets that he would use in his diffuser to treat any symptoms he was having. I had a really bad cold one time and he brought his diffuser into my room and put eucalyptus oil in there to "cure me", but turns out I'm allergic to eucalyptus and it made me far worse.

[–] Sarcastaway 8 points (+8|-0)

Idk about ridiculous, but the funniest are the ones that say various celebs fake their deaths come come back as new famous people. Bill Hicks becoming Alex Jones is a good one. My favorite is that Kurt Cobain faked his death, got a sex change, decided he missed the spotlight, and came back as Lady Gaga.

I totally believe that someone would fake their death to escape fame, but getting plastic surgery and coming back doesn't make much sense.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Andy Kaufman faked his death.

This one looks as though he really did.

Even his brother and friends say he is still alive.



[–] jobes 2 points (+2|-0)

The Bill Hicks/Alex Jones one is one old my favorites

That is definitely a stretch of the imagination, but I've taken an open stance on these things. We consider ourselves to be rational beings, right? You and I are both considering ourselves to not fall prey to these silly mind tunnels. But how do we actually know that is the truth? Does a crazy person know they are crazy? Sure some do, but in all actuality it is very difficult to ascertain where your mentality stands. At least that's my opinion.

I wouldn't rule out the possibility of somebody faking their death and "coming back" as an alter ego. I've often fantasized about it myself.

Let us imagine that we have access to an infinite source of money/power. We are constantly in the spotlight, and our very definition of existence (because in a celebrity mindset this is the case) is to be viewed by the public as a figurehead.

Let us assume our image goes wrong or something happens that we really regret or feel ashamed about. IF you had access to infinite resources, and all these medical procedures we have nowadays allow for crazy experiments, wouldn't you try something? I think I might, but then again...its just an opinion.

[–] Sarcastaway 0 points (+0|-0)

I totally agree with all of that. The only part I find truly unbelievable is that someone would want the fame again. If I had those resources and wanted to disappear, I'd get the surgery, but I'd much prefer to play puppeteer, and walk around as a nobody.

But then again, maybe I don't understand the mind of the ultra-famous. Scratch that, I know I don't understand them. Maybe a new identity is some next-level performance art for these guys. Hell, maybe its a hardcore version of how famous writers will use a new pen name so they can get some honest feedback.

Either way, I think we can agree that its far from the least likely thing that could happen, but I still find the idea of Kurt Cobain performing Love Game to be completely hilarious.

On a small tangent, I think celebs fake their deaths with surprising regularity. If someone tries to kill you, probably better to make them think they succeeded, no? John Lennon and Tupac come to mind. Lennon had no funeral, and his body was cremated. Tupac asked his bodyguard to ride in another car on the night of the shooting, and survived 6 days after the attack. Tupac was cremated the next day. Or maybe they both died, but I think I'd be more likely to play dead if I survived assassination.

[–] doggone 4 points (+4|-0)

That the chicken from KFC is raised "headless".

What the ever living phuk? I need to check this one out...

[–] jidlaph 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

IIRC chickens can run around for a few minutes after beheading, so I wouldn't be surprised to find that 'evidence' is plentiful.

[–] doggone 3 points (+3|-0)

I don't know that there are any links out there. From someone I worked with (whose life mattered).

[–] Dabmanz 9 points (+9|-0)

The moon being fake no not the the moon landing the freaking moon apparently some people think its a hologram.

[–] Sarcastaway 1 points (+1|-0)

I think most of those theories stem from some film being cooked as the astronauts passed back through the radiation of the ionosphere. Given the political climate of the cold war, the US needed an ideological victory, so the surviving footage was patched back together with some studio footage.

Hence, parts of the footage look weird, all evidence points to a legit moon landing, and Neil gets extra pissed when people call him a liar, because he really did go, but can't tell the whole story. This also covers the "too many people to keep a secret" argument, because only the astronauts, film techs, and spooks would ever need to know about it.

As for the hologram stuff, I can't even pretend to understand where that comes from.

Not just the hologram...but the fucking Nazis on the moon bro.

If the moon is a hologram...then the Moon-Nazis are also a hologram...

Which means Hitler was the AI....


[–] Owlchemy 2 points (+2|-0)

That's a good one, too. And so many folks fall for crap like this. I guess it shows more about the current state of our educational systems than anything.

Hehehe, yea I was perpetuating that theory way back in middle school. Those were the good old days. Right after the times where the moon was cheese, when science shit became cool, the moon turned into a fucking hologram.

Tupac Moon.

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