I can't stand it when someone starts talking about "day of the rope". It's extremely disturbing. Acting like civil war is going to break out any day now and they're gonna get to go out for a fun lynching with their pals.
I get your point, but do you think they would have survived without the massive support they manage to extract out of the US? I agree that it is amazing that they have accomplished this, but it certainly isn't admirable. The truth is the world would be a better place if the entire middle east ceased to exist.
do you think they would have survived without the massive support they manage to extract out of the US?
Certainly not, but that's the part I find so impressive. They had nothing to offer the world in the 40's when they got their homeland, yet they got it. They had nothing to offer the Allies until their defense industry started to kick out good arms, yet they got contracts, and their intelligence agency started gaining a foothold in the tech industry. They certainly have nothing to offer militarily, and their location is at best a tactical landing strip, yet their get our defense.
Whatever explanation there is for their preferential treatment, my hats are off to them for so thoroughly duping 90% the world, all while bombing the other 10%.
Despite my feelings about jews, I actually quite admire Israel. How they've managed to survive most of a century while simultaneously shitting all over the rest of the middle east is nothing short of geopolitical witchcraft.
As for the Jew thing, I just don't like the American ones. I've met some good ones, but I've met far more bad ones. Beyond that, I wish them well, but want nothing to do with them when it comes to business.
What's funny about this, is that the above opinion was heresy on voat.