I hate stubbing my toe, smacking my wrists on extremities, waking up late, doing homework, sleep paralysis.
I hate the garbage television. I hate the garbage universities. I hate the garbage system itself.
I hate groupthink. I hate people who hate me.
I hate that my very existence is determined by other people.
I hate that I cannot explain myself properly.
I hate that the ones closest to me cannot understand me because of my failure of being able to explain myself.
I hate that I'm broke after paying rent.
I hate that people are dying needlessly all over the world.
I hate pedophiles.
I hate rapists.
I hate murderers.
Does this make me a hateful person?
I'm amazed that humanity is as good as it is. We are, after all, only animals. Intelligent animals, for sure, but no matter your stand on evolution or creation, we are still learning and growing. We are not intelligent enough to solve every problem but for the most part we see that the problem exists. That is a good start. Eventually somebody will figure it out, no matter how long it takes.
Unless, of course, humanity destroys itself. That could happen. But would it happen because we suck or just because of our ignorance? The old saying about a little knowledge is a dangerous thing is true. Humanity will always have too little knowledge to be perfect, and unfortunately wisdom does not keep up with knowledge. That's not not because humanity sucks, it's just because we haven't gotten far enough to be really great.