I hate stubbing my toe, smacking my wrists on extremities, waking up late, doing homework, sleep paralysis.

I hate the garbage television. I hate the garbage universities. I hate the garbage system itself.

I hate groupthink. I hate people who hate me.

I hate that my very existence is determined by other people.

I hate that I cannot explain myself properly.

I hate that the ones closest to me cannot understand me because of my failure of being able to explain myself.

I hate that I'm broke after paying rent.

I hate that people are dying needlessly all over the world.

I hate pedophiles.

I hate rapists.

I hate murderers.

Does this make me a hateful person?

I hate stubbing my toe, smacking my wrists on extremities, waking up late, doing homework, sleep paralysis. I hate the garbage television. I hate the garbage universities. I hate the garbage system itself. I hate groupthink. I hate people who hate me. I hate that my very existence is determined by other people. I hate that I cannot explain myself properly. I hate that the ones closest to me cannot understand me because of my failure of being able to explain myself. I hate that I'm broke after paying rent. I hate that people are dying needlessly all over the world. I hate pedophiles. I hate rapists. I hate murderers. Does this make me a hateful person?


[–] Adhdferret 6 points (+6|-0)

I stopped hating things as I have realized that takes resources such as time and even worse energy. It doesn't help you either. It just brings more and restarts the cycle.

[–] Theodorekent 2 points (+2|-0)

Ya gotta be positive, no matter who tries to drag you down into their hate-filled spiral.

Hating people is easy. Being nice is hard.

[–] E-werd 3 points (+3|-0)

I hate witch hunts.

I hate people that have to find an enemy in any situation.

I hate people have to see things in black and white 100% of the time. Shit varies given an infinite number of variables, almost nothing is that simple.

I hate that I cannot explain myself properly. I hate that the ones closest to me cannot understand me because of my failure of being able to explain myself.

^ ^ ^ I hate that.

I hate ... sleep paralysis.

^ ^ ^ I really fucking hate that, but I've learned to deal with it.

I hate groupthink.

I agree and disagree. It's a useful trait that got us to where we are as humans and has its place--usually protection. But that's a different conversation.

I absolutely understand the witch hunt scenario. It falls hand in hand with the negatives of groupthink.

Simply think outside the paradigm, or do something unconventional and therefore not trustworthy. Suddenly you are the outcast and all members of the locality have a figurehead to rally against. Its like as humans we have a natural tendency to single things out and expel them. Excommunicate them. Destroy them. We are truly fickle beings, if this is the ultimate case.

Sleep paralysis was a demon of mine for the better half of my life. Since I have become indoctrinated in the ways of stress and "Life", I have not found the place for sleep. Let alone the paralysis of it.

You are also correct on groupthink. It is something to both agree and disagree with. Groupthink is what gathered us around the cave's fire, what rallied us against the mammoth and what led us to dispel the terrible reality of totalitarianism.

[–] Sarcastaway 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

Does this make me a hateful person?

Yes. Harness this energy for good. Hate is not a negative emotion unless it leads you to take action in ways you believe are negative.

As for me? I hate humanity. I don't wish our species any actual harm, but we objectively suck.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

As for me? I hate humanity. I don't wish our species any actual harm, but we objectively suck.

I'm amazed that humanity is as good as it is. We are, after all, only animals. Intelligent animals, for sure, but no matter your stand on evolution or creation, we are still learning and growing. We are not intelligent enough to solve every problem but for the most part we see that the problem exists. That is a good start. Eventually somebody will figure it out, no matter how long it takes.

Unless, of course, humanity destroys itself. That could happen. But would it happen because we suck or just because of our ignorance? The old saying about a little knowledge is a dangerous thing is true. Humanity will always have too little knowledge to be perfect, and unfortunately wisdom does not keep up with knowledge. That's not not because humanity sucks, it's just because we haven't gotten far enough to be really great.

[–] Sarcastaway 1 points (+1|-0)

I will admit to being a closeted optimist at times, especially when I'm outside of cities. I can't rationalize how any of this has worked for us as long as it has. If our species could get back to living the way we did even 100 years ago, while keeping a few of benefits of our "higher" technology, I would have trouble finding anything to be genuinely hateful about. That's a classic pandora's box scenario though. Once you figure out the microchip, you're never going to unlearn that limitless power. Nor will we stop expanding beyond the carrying capacity of our planet using chemical fertilizers, or stop manufacturing plastics, or stop building automated systems that will eventually make us irrelevant.

It is that inevitable self-destruction that I hate most. Its in our nature to build and and explore, but eventually we run out of new things and places to dominate, and set our own progress back hundreds or even thousands of years.

The end result of our reckless pursuits always seems to be our species trying to walk before it can even crawl, and falling on our faces. My concern is that this time we've decided to run before we can crawl, and we might all just take a spill we can't just dust ourselves off from.

Hopefully that metaphor makes sense, I'm a tad drunk.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

You made perfect sense. Sometimes big mistakes are made, but then the people who are left learn from that and we get beyond that point.

[–] auggs 1 points (+1|-0)

What about subjectively?

[–] Sarcastaway 0 points (+0|-0)

If hate always effects you in a way you believe is negative, its probably fair to call that emotion negative in itself, so far as you are concerned for your own mind.

But of course all things being subjective subjective, one would be wise not to label hate as inherently bad or unhealthy in others, unless they are making poor decisions due to those emotions. There's nothing wrong with judging a person for their actions, but we can't really hope to be the thought police.

For example: one person might use their self-hate to fuel their weight lifting at the gym, and another might use that same emotion to justify beating their wife. Emotions can be powerful tools when implemented wisely, and dangerous weapons when control is lost. The only difference is the actions we take, and the judgments we make of ourselves and others.

It is in all the memes. Its the source of a lot of humor. But truly, our strongest emotion is Hate.

Not love. Because if love was the strongest emotion the world would not be the way it is. This world is a reflection of our inner hatred for things. Not only is it anger, but it is anger propelled towards a specific target.

Normal anger is just blind. But hatred....hatred has a meaning.

Hatred takes root and sows itself in our actions more so than love does.

Sure, I can love things. I can love my family. I can give back the love that other things or people give to me.

But what are we truly doing with Love? We are standing still.

With hatred we propel ourselves. Hatred gives us ambition. Gives us life.

[–] X175B247 2 points (+2|-0)

I hate those who think my effort and labor is theirs to claim.

I hate those who are mindlessly self-destructive.

I hate it when others fail to even briefly consider other points of view.

I hate it when people say "if you're doing nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide."

[–] pmyb2 0 points (+0|-0)

I second that last one.

[–] X175B247 0 points (+0|-0)

What's 'wrong' always changes. Plus I just want some damn privacy. Who gave you the right to search my life?

[–] chmod 1 points (+1|-0)

I hate you people in the grocery store that stop your cart on the right side then stand on the left side looking for shit. Please, block the entire fucking isle looking for peas. I'll fucking wait.

And as I stand there selecting my perfect can of peas, I stare at you as if you are the one blocking me.


[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

I hate the politically correct, wasps and being ripped off.

[–] smallpond 1 points (+1|-0)

Hate's a pretty strong word/emotion: I dislike many things but there's not much I have real hate for.

Maybe nonsense comes close: not SDBH nonsense, more like persistent logical contradiction.

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

I hate the diversity and inclusion initiatives that put far under qualified people into positions over qualified people who worked their ass off to learn their skills. My company started going balls to the wall for that shot a year ago, the net result is (for a deeply specialized engineering department):

  • 50% of all interns must be women or "under represented minorities"
  • Recruiting stopped going to several prominent colleges and instead are going to all black universities to recruit
  • Our QA dept went into a sharp decline once they started hiring only female QA and automation engineers
  • Social justice has become very prominent and excessively vocal and loud where it never existed before
  • I don't dare talk politics or about my beliefs anymore out of fear for being fired. I've been shouted at many times my co-workers already.

I'll be leaving there in a year or so after I have some of my last good allocations of stock vest.