I'm finishing up work in a few hours, then headed home to some cold ones and a night of broccoli memes.

How about you?

I'm finishing up work in a few hours, then headed home to some cold ones and a night of broccoli memes. How about you?


I feel you. Its time to just let go and recoop.

IPA's are my first choice in beer. Two Hearted Ale makes a lovely craft IPA, but its a bit pricey. My go-to is Sierra Nevada or every now and then I'll pick up some Hoppadillo.

I'm scratching my head on suggestions for a good read. The last fiction book I read, and you're going to hate me for it, is the Hunger Games trilogy. I was kind of arm-twisted into the deal, but you know what? It was actually a compelling read once you get pass all the high school girly love triangle bullshit. I am a fan of the author's prose, their writing style was very exciting and each sentence led to the next perfectly.

The last nonfiction book I read was equally as compelling but a bit depressive. It is called Confessions of an Economic Hitman and was recommended to me by a very good friend. Its an autobiographical account of a guy who worked for a corporation that was partaking in destabilizing third world countries with energy efficiency contracts. It is real life and gives a very sinister view at most top levels of politics.

[–] Sarcastaway 0 points (+0|-0)

you're going to hate me for it, is the Hunger Games trilogy.

Hey, no hate here. I actually enjoyed that series. I liked the way the dystopian world was built, and the arena stuff was pretty brutal for young adult fiction.

Confessions of an Economic Hitman

Holy crap! I listened to an interview with the author years ago on some podcast, but I lost track of which one and couldn't remember the name of the book. I think that just jumped to the top of my list. Thanks for the reminder!

Glad I was able to remind you! It is a good read, and really makes me think twice about anybody who says they are from New Hampshire or Connecticut lol.

I was given a book to read that I just have not had time to pickup yet. Its called Rogue Spooks: The Intelligence War on Donald Trump. The guy said it was supposed to be a non-biased view into how the FBI and CIA are performing a coup d'etat on the presidency. I know Dick Morris is the guy behind the youtube channel DeepSixTheDeepState, so I don't know how truly unbiased it is. I still want to believe that Trump is playing 4dchess behind the curtains, but we shall see.