I heard recently that some farmers are feeding their pigs marijuana to induce higher appitite in their cattle. Two ethical concerns come up for me. Are these pigs tripping balls and is it right to make an animal trip balls without their concent for long durations? And is the THC being passed on to consumers? Is it wrong to give a consumer something with THC in it without telling them?
For the sake of discussion lets focus on the third question. Do you think the THC could be passed on to someone who eats the roasted swine flesh?
Disclaimer: I don't know much about drugs or zoology.
The real question is if they have a choice. I've read about similar settings with rats and heroin, but that was science experiments.
THC dissolves in fat, so likely. I have no idea how much of it might end up there though.
As long as you are aware of it and not telling the customer it very much is.
Cannibalism would work the same way as eating drugged pork.