If so, does that lend credence to the theory put forth by some that the Anunnaki genetically altered or created us as some say the Sumerians texts indicate?

If so, does that lend credence to the theory put forth by some that the Anunnaki genetically altered or created us as some say the Sumerians texts indicate?


[–] xyzzy 0 points (+0|-0)

Maybe there are some bacteria or other one cell life forms which only have hundreds on genetic defects.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

Ha. No. We juat display them more. @smallpond can fuck your shit up if they feel it.

Off the top of my head I would say yes, then no.
Everything that has genetics has genetic defects.

Ok, but do humans have thousands, where all other life has a small fraction of that?

[–] jidlaph 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

We laymen simply don't worry much about animal genetics that do not directly impact their usefulness to us.

Nobody cares if the beef or dairy cow is nearsighted, but many purebred dog breeds are notorious for having a host of genetic problems.

From what I understand, all higher life has both direct defects, and a bunch of unused 'junk dna'. Parts that are never actually used for anything.
Due to mutations the active parts can occasionally change, and the inactive parts can sometimes be switched on/off. There are many different sources and types of mutations. From botched copys to damage from free radicals.

So everything that has complexity also has a lot of junk and defects.
But that is from memory, and I am no expert on the subject.