Currently finishing up the last of my thank you cards from the holiday season. (I'm so behind this year!) I doubt thank you cards will be mailed in about ten years.

Currently finishing up the last of my thank you cards from the holiday season. (I'm so behind this year!) I doubt thank you cards will be mailed in about ten years.


[–] Owlchemy 6 points (+6|-0)

Cars with cranks and crank windows.

Drive-In theaters

Home movie projectors

Mimeograph machines

Car tires with inner tubes

The rabbit died

[–] simone [OP] 4 points (+4|-0)

Now that's a list!

[–] Owlchemy 4 points (+4|-0)

Fountain Pens

Soda Fountains

No fast food restaurants - LOL

UHF TV stations

Rotary phones

2 cent deposit on that coke bottle