Currently finishing up the last of my thank you cards from the holiday season. (I'm so behind this year!) I doubt thank you cards will be mailed in about ten years.

Currently finishing up the last of my thank you cards from the holiday season. (I'm so behind this year!) I doubt thank you cards will be mailed in about ten years.


[–] smallpond 4 points (+4|-0)

Roaming the wider neighborhood freely as an 8 year old, with parents having no idea where you are and no means to contact you. We knew to head home when it started to get dark.

[–] jobes 4 points (+4|-0)

That was a huge part of my childhood. Would just leave for hours on end and explore or hang out with other kids in the neighborhood. I'd go visit cousins 1-3 hours away and it would be the same - kids just go wander around and it was perfectly normal.

[–] smallpond 1 points (+1|-0)

Lately I've heard of unaccompanied children being taken home by police, and parents given a stern warning. On the other hand, I guess there are plenty of places worldwide where children can still roam freely - perhaps the societal expectation that unguarded children will kill themselves or be kidnapped and molested is an isolated, first-world problem.