I just added something to s/funny and put a Phuks OC label before the picture... it'd be cool to have a watermark I can add before posting on imgoat so that it's not going to go to Voat.... I really don't want the power voaters here... they've ruined voat and I doubt they'd keep their bias to themselves here

I just added something to s/funny and put a Phuks OC label before the picture... it'd be cool to have a watermark I can add before posting on imgoat so that it's not going to go to Voat.... I really don't want the power voaters here... they've ruined voat and I doubt they'd keep their bias to themselves here


[–] InnocentBystander 6 points (+6|-0) 7 years ago

Unless it's OC, I'm not a fan of the idea.
I don't see anything wrong with things being reposed, I kinda thought that was the point of sites like this. To share and promote interesting content.
I also am not a fan of creating an 'us' and 'them' mindset.
There are no sides. Goats and Foxes are allowed to go back and forth between sites without having to chose one.

I think I understand your intentions, but remember, it was intolerance that killed Eddit. And then intolerance that killed Voat.
I'd like to try a different strategy. One where everyone is welcome, but nobodys agendas are.

I know, easier said than done.

[–] [Deleted] 3 points (+3|-0) 7 years ago

well "putt". (joking!). I see where you're coming from and I'd only like this for our own OC that we create. In a way it'd keep phuks it's own little nebula on the net, and if big posters got the content they'd be forced to admit that it's from us or not post it. This would be a big advertising logo for phuks when we make great content so in a way it'd facilitate finding the place.... no I don't want to stifle anyones ability to post anywhere. I'd just rather the subscribers knew that we got the dank they don't if and when they use our own new content