I just added something to s/funny and put a Phuks OC label before the picture... it'd be cool to have a watermark I can add before posting on imgoat so that it's not going to go to Voat.... I really don't want the power voaters here... they've ruined voat and I doubt they'd keep their bias to themselves here

I just added something to s/funny and put a Phuks OC label before the picture... it'd be cool to have a watermark I can add before posting on imgoat so that it's not going to go to Voat.... I really don't want the power voaters here... they've ruined voat and I doubt they'd keep their bias to themselves here


[–] Polsaker 3 points (+3|-0) 7 years ago

We don't host the images (yet), so we can't add water marks.

[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0) 7 years ago

that was really really *#$ing fast.... well it's worth considering if we do host because it'd keep our OC here and I'd probably post more stuff that's OC

[–] Polsaker 4 points (+4|-0) 7 years ago

We have planned to add a Phuks image host, but as it is a pain in the ass to moderate and keep it clean it'll probably only be available for trusted users™