I would remove empathy so I could become a happy psychopath. If there is such a thing.

I would remove empathy so I could become a happy psychopath. If there is such a thing.


[–] Polsaker 10 points (+10|-0)

Lazyness. If I didn't procrastinate so much Phuks would already be on its 47th rewrite

[–] smallpond 3 points (+3|-0)

Upvoted because I also would like to eliminate laziness, not to imply that you should get back to work.

[–] [Deleted] 4 points (+4|-0)

CarJacking. Worst of the multiple personalities. Guy eats people.

[–] Phukin_Alduin 1 points (+1|-0)

Laziness for me too. I need to start working out and build things and fix things, but I don't enjoy it. I enjoy learning, so I end up spending the majority of my day watching lectures and documentaries and reading. But then I fail to apply what I learn because I'm lazy.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

My faith in everyone. I give people the benefit of the doubt way too much.

[–] KFCNyanCat 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

I cannot decide between fear and laziness, because I cannot figure out which one is worse in me