Personally I consider 4 to be the limit. Any more than that and I imagine I would get bogged down if they start grappling.

Personally I consider 4 to be the limit. Any more than that and I imagine I would get bogged down if they start grappling.


[–] Mattvision 2 points (+2|-0) 8 years ago Edited 8 years ago

Depends. If this is an actual mutual fight, then I'd have to agree with @PMYA, but if you're just trying to harm as many 10 year olds as possible unprovoked, they are more likely to run away than fight back, which drastically lowers your numbers, especially in the settings 10 year olds typically dwell in like a school or playground. Too many places to run and hide to.

Hell, school shootings usually don't even get as high as 15, and you would have a gun in that scenario. After the first few are down, they get progressively harder to find/chase, and then you're on a time limit because the police will arrive.