@lockeproposal and anyone else who cares to chip in.

When did Europe forget that Islam was at war with it?

@lockeproposal and anyone else who cares to chip in. When did Europe forget that Islam was at war with it?


[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0) 8 years ago

I saw this yesterday and the average European would have been well aware of Barbary raids etc if they lived along the shoreline. Islam has been trying to take Europe for a long time.

[–] Greenseats 2 points (+2|-0) 8 years ago

For sure, it is a conflict that has been going on for centuries. I think the post-colonial era made Europe think that it was all ancient history and they had nothing to fear from their former subjects who just want to bask in their (fading) glory of European power and culture.