I quite like Debian, and use a couple of OSs based on it. I was thinking of dual booting it with Windows 8 until a recent incident where it crashed halfway through installation in a VM when it was in the middle of installing a boot loader, leaving me without one.

On a side note, has the gaming problem on Linux improved to the point where it is possible to overlook it? I have never played games on Linux before, so I don't know what the support is like now.

I quite like Debian, and use a couple of OSs based on it. I was thinking of dual booting it with Windows 8 until a recent incident where it crashed halfway through installation in a VM when it was in the middle of installing a boot loader, leaving me without one. On a side note, has the gaming problem on Linux improved to the point where it is possible to overlook it? I have never played games on Linux before, so I don't know what the support is like now.


[–] pembo210 2 points (+2|-0) 8 years ago

Debian and Ubuntu(booooooo i know). Windows 7 for some work stuff every now and then.