Is it us? If not, what is it?

Bear in mind that it doesn't necessarily have to be an animal.

Is it us? If not, what is it? Bear in mind that it doesn't necessarily have to be an animal.


[–] phoxy 2 points (+2|-0) 8 years ago Edited 8 years ago

I didn't think to use mass I went straight for population. That article is really good and humbling in a sense- we and our domesticants are a massive influence but are dominated by fungi, plants, ants and bacteria. Not individual species but in terms of biomass or life.

Edit: I think cattle are considered 1 species like dogs.

[–] smallpond 2 points (+2|-0) 8 years ago

I've heard there's some debate among biologists concerning whether cattle should be classed as one or a few species (Bos taurus, Bos primigenius, Bos indicus). Who cares.