It is absolutely unpleasant to be out in public when the heat hits. YUCK!
I'm starting to wish drug dealers were shot without question by the police. Abuse of power is wrong and all but meth/heroin is really fucking up society.
I'm starting to wish drug dealers were shot without question by the police. Abuse of power is wrong and all but meth/heroin is really fucking up society.
You are not the first to make that observation.
You are not the first to make that observation.
Sometimes it's their only available choice of employment.
The main issue is not the dealers, there will always be another to take the place. But the manufacturers and the addicts themselves.
Many want to quit, but they don't have the resources, money or willpower on their own to achieve that goal.
If recovery wasn't so stigmatized and expensive. The user rate would go down dramatically.
Sometimes it's their only available choice of employment.
The main issue is not the dealers, there will always be another to take the place. But the manufacturers and the addicts themselves.
Many want to quit, but they don't have the resources, money or willpower on their own to achieve that goal.
If recovery wasn't so stigmatized and expensive. The user rate would go down dramatically.
All those opiates are being imported by the CIA.
All those opiates are being imported by the CIA.
Straya here. People are porky and they're getting porkier. Except the meth heads.