[–] CDanger [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

This sub presents a predicament: what happens when somebody posts a song you like? Do you upvote the song? Downvote it? I think it's at least interesting to know which songs other people find annoying. I've heard other people call songs annoying that I personally like too.

[–] yeti 2 points (+2|-0)

Well, I'll be candid and unequivocal: as a 56 year old white male US citizen, I fucking LOVE that song. Don't know what it is about it that pushes my buttons, but, for some reason, it defiinitely does

[–] CDanger [OP] 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Do you listen to any other reggaeton music? My guess is you might like it since it all kind of has the same sound as this.

[–] yeti 1 points (+1|-0)

Actually, I do listen to reggaton , but I want to say here that the word "reggaton" means dramatically different things from place to place. In Argentina, for example, it is pretty much just up-beat reggae. In Dominico, it's Spanish language gangsta hip-hop with horns. It's a very vague and amorphous term.

But the answer is yes, I listen to lots of "Latin" music.