[–] Mattvision 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

I sympathize with those concerns. I've seen how Libertarian communities get bogged down in culture war BS and morph into identitarian-right echo chambers. Before r/niggers got banned on Reddit for example, Voat's biggest political sub was v/libertarian. If I remember correctly.

This post here seems to be using a common tactic of presenting a post that was clearly intended as having an identitarian-right message as a libertarian leaning post, simply because the identitarian message happens to oppose the current views of an existing government organization. The kid speaking here was only against one kind of indoctrination, but I doubt he had anything to say about other forms of indoctrination. CRT is wrong but the state has always lied and twisted and covered up details of American history, especially but not limited to the civil rights movement, segregation, slavery, and the civil war to make the state and white people look better. A famous example of this is how public schools, at least in the North, will usually portray Abraham Lincoln as some kind of hero, even though his actual views on black people and whether or not they counted as humans is up for debate, and his motivations for engaging in the civil war were not centered for their liberation. Southern state curriculums also have a history of glossing over various atrocities committed by their governments against black people during the civil rights movement.

The point is, this is only an Anarcho-Capitalist post by a stretch of the imagination. I'm tolerating it because the poster seems to hold a lot of genuine An-Cap views, and Phuks is a small enough site that I would never need to worry about this sub being taken over by rightoids. But I know exactly what the reporter was worried about with this post.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 1 points (+1|-0)

It's very simple: People today have absolutely nothing to do with what happened 100 or whatever years ago and saying "Your people bad" is not only unwarranted, it's abusive and the fact that you can't say anything against it is not only an abridgement of everything natural to existence but destructive to everyone it's forced on.

[–] Mattvision 1 points (+1|-0)

If you believe I had said anything against that I'm sure it's misunderstood.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 0 points (+0|-0)

No, I was just busy, had a bunch to say, managed to mangle it. I wanted to include stuff about how they only do it when it's convenient to them. For example, google "HP Lovecraft cat name" and then realize that there's a new HP lovecraft show out. Yet they're not protesting that.

Anyway, there was intended to be a tie-in, just kind of assume that I managed to say it.