This post was reported for being spam. While I highly highly highly doubt it was posted here to promote Anarcho-Capitalism, I am not going to delete a post simply because the poster may or may not specifically be promoting the ideology of the sub, or because someone else may have been offended by this posts content.

Not spam. Report closed.

[–] x0x7 [OP] 0 points (+1|-1)

Oh. I'm as ancap as it gets. The government should not be taking any side in a culture war. I posted it to ancap because I want people to associate a problem with its correct solution, not having public school. The problem isn't that the public schools aren't doing what we want, it's that they exist period. Hopefully people see that government often doesn't do what we want and so it maybe isn't wise to give power to something that tends to go off the rails. Hopefully, eventually, people develop a realization that it is likely to go off the rails and it not doing what serves the people isn't an exception but the norm.

I could have posted it to any sub. Why /ancap? Because I'd rather hint at the solution than encourage people to join one side of a tribal war over how to manage our "collective" resources, schools. It's better to not have those collective resources to begin with, then we don't have to argue over their misuse.