No matter what happens going forward or who or what you support, just remember that everyone now knows that if the people in this country put their minds to it, they can annex city blocks for weeks on end and take over capital buildings.

The government should fear the people.

No matter what happens going forward or who or what you support, just remember that everyone now knows that if the people in this country put their minds to it, they can annex city blocks for weeks on end and take over capital buildings. The government should fear the people.


[–] CDanger 2 points (+2|-0)

I give the current "Capitol Insurrectionist" angle about a one week storytime before the media sycophants move on to the next emergency.

[–] doggone 1 points (+1|-0)

They put this on a tee before Trump was even elected. The state media won't let this one go. It's too useful.