Literally just happened a few mins ago. I took a video but it didn't really kick off or anything.

Literally just happened a few mins ago. I took a video but it didn't really kick off or anything.


[–] Skyrock 4 points (+4|-0)

Was the threat believeable? Are they normies, or are they chavs or whatever other trash people you have in the UK?

[–] PMYA [OP] 8 points (+8|-0)

They are a bit trashy but not complete scum. He sounded pretty serious to me, and he has hit her before.

Here's the funny thing: He is blind. I was hoping to get a video of a blind guy trying to stab someone to put it on liveleak, but then I remembered they have kids and decided a good video was probably not worth the kids witnessing their mother being brutally murdered in the street.

[–] TheRedArmy 8 points (+8|-0)

Silly move. Internet clicks is superior to human life, clearly.

[–] Skyrock 5 points (+5|-0) Edited

We can always produce more kids, but internet points last forever!