Been at it for about a year. I've grown a bunch too. I was filming with a dashcam and had that stacked on a pile of books on a chair in my living room initially. Now I got a nicer camera with a tripod and a mic and everything! Well background is still my extra room, but hey! It's something!

If you want to check my channel out here!Been at it for about a year. I've grown a bunch too. I was filming with a dashcam and had that stacked on a pile of books on a chair in my living room initially. Now I got a nicer camera with a tripod and a mic and everything! Well background is still my extra room, but hey! It's something!

Edit Since it's been pointed out to me, If you want to check my channel out here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Vao5VMA2gI67OdwXkDoPg

Been at it for about a year. I've grown a bunch too. I was filming with a dashcam and had that stacked on a pile of books on a chair in my living room initially. Now I got a nicer camera with a tripod and a mic and everything! Well background is still my extra room, but hey! It's something! If you want to check my channel out here!Been at it for about a year. I've grown a bunch too. I was filming with a dashcam and had that stacked on a pile of books on a chair in my living room initially. Now I got a nicer camera with a tripod and a mic and everything! Well background is still my extra room, but hey! It's something! Edit Since it's been pointed out to me, If you want to check my channel out here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Vao5VMA2gI67OdwXkDoPg


[–] boujeebagels 0 points (+0|-0)

If someone was looking to start a local coffee shop and wanted really good coffee, what would you recommend to them?

[–] indietorch [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

Sweet Maria's has some really good green coffee beans you can order. From there, I'd roast them and grind them at the shop. The fresher the bean, the better.

[–] PMYA 0 points (+0|-0)

I saw your video on Bulletproof Coffee. I became aware of it when it was a sponsor on the Joe Rogan podcast, and the guy who made it was on there a few times. It has since been dropped as a sponsor after Dave Asprey was accused of saying a ton of bullshit about the coffee in order to sell it. Have you ever seen any of the podcasts?

I'm not sure about the relevant episodes as they were a long time ago, but here is an article about Bulletproof Coffee.

I've been watching your videos since you first posted one on Voat.
You've come a long way. I could see the progression as you got better at it with time.
Your passion and enthusiasm is something that can't be faked, and really draws a viewer in.

Do you have plans to get into a related profession, or is it strictly a hobby?

[–] indietorch [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

I'm actually in the profession I love right now, which is nursing. Would I consider becoming a full time youtuber? Right now, no. If I somehow, by some magical something, blow up and become youtube famous and can live off revenue from that? I'd consider it. But right now, it's just a really fun hobby.

[–] Mastercat 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

You can change the url for your channel somewhere in YT options. Makes it easier for people to link and looks prettier. I guess you already knew that but it got me more action. Give it a go m8.

[–] OeeThaGreat 2 points (+2|-0)

What is your favorite beer?

[–] indietorch [OP] 3 points (+3|-0)

Strangely, I like lighter beers (I say this because I would imagine coffee drinkers to like darker beers). I really enjoy Sam Adams or Blue Moon (which, with an orange, is fantastic!).

[–] E-werd 4 points (+4|-0)

Have you tried Really Shit Coffee yet? You should. I want to know how spectacularly bad it is.

[–] indietorch [OP] 4 points (+4|-0)

Ya know, I saw it a couple days ago and really considered trying it. Just for the.....shits and giggles! But for real I might try that some time in a video

[–] ashekchum 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

I just want to say that I'm the mod of coffee, and I hate coffee, so go phuk yourself.

Also you don't seem nearly as autistic as I expected.

[–] indietorch [OP] 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

Aww well phuk yourself too! XD didn't you comment on one of my videos before as well? And thanks... I think. One of my buddies actually uses the word autistic as like the worst insult he can possibly think of so thanks!

[–] ashekchum 2 points (+2|-0)

Yeah probably it looks kinda fimilar, what kinda tea do you recommend?

[–] Polsaker 2 points (+2|-0)

If you want to check my channel out, just comment down below and I can pm you. I don't know if it's cool to put a link in here or not and I don't want to break any rules.

There are no rules against just putting a link to your channel in your post

[–] Mint 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

I think I may have seen your channel on upvoat before.. not sure.. But that is an interesting niche to be in.

Do you also review books while sipping coffee? If not I bet that could work.

You could start the video showing you awesome cofee maybe review the coffee and show how you made it. Than the camera shows you walking into this man cave with a deer hanging on the wall and those nice leather chairs. And then you grab a book and you review the book.

You can also promote your amazon affiliate links in the descriptions.

It could work?

[–] indietorch [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

Hmmm book reviews. I haven't thought of that. Usually I review different countries coffees or a type of coffee or make some sort of recipe with coffee. I like that idea though!

That and my buddy, who also does youtube, mentioned the amazon affiliates link thing to me. I've considered it but I don't really buy coffee a whole lot (it lasts me around a month per bag). Though that is definitely an option monetarily!

[–] Mint 1 points (+1|-0)

Well I just think as a business perspective and as a niche coffee is pretty tiny. But if you also throw in books into there your audience will widen. You can still make coffee videos but maybe every Tuesday or something do a book review while sipping your favorite coffee. You can then promote the book via amazon affiliate link and also the coffee.

But the setting has to be done right. You need to do it in a man cave.

Something like this: http://redwolffalls.com/pro4.jpg

You need to make a coffee room.

This would be amazing: http://nextluxury.com/wp-content/uploads/private-traditional-man-cave-home-library.jpg

I think the setting can make a big difference, it should feel warm and cozy.

Not everyone has these awesome kind of rooms, so you could try getting a chair and sitting next to a lit fireplace maybe?

I'm just throwing out some idea here.

[–] indietorch [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

I love the man cave idea. I'm actually planning on moving this year and where I'm currently at, the man cave is more like a man hole (aka it's small). So I like the fireplace and bookshelf idea with the big nice chair. I never would have thought the book review would do well though. If you think it would, I'd definitely consider it. I just don't know how big of an audience I'd be hitting with that or not. It's just not a subject I've really dove into.

[–] Violentlight 4 points (+4|-0)

Where do you go to look for new and interesting coffee? You can't just be going to CostCo trying to find this stuff. You have a local coffee shop or something?

[–] indietorch [OP] 4 points (+4|-0)

I hit up a lot of local coffee shops for different recipe ideas or if I'm just really wanting a good cup of coffee. Starbucks. Whoo. That's a video I need to do. I'm not that big of a fan of their coffee (their own bags of coffee that is). It just tastes burnt to me and the coffee you buy that they brew up at the store? It tastes like diabetes. Sure it's tasty but it's not coffee to me. fun fact though, I found out that (at least my local one) Starbucks doesn't have cappuccinos on the menu. I was really saddened when I saw that. I love cappuccinos.