Im very tolerant of peoples lives.

Unless you pay my bills, I mind my business.


Edit; Want to clarify I was at the theatre by yonge Dundas Square (Toronto) to watch Wicked. Did not have any intent to be near/at Pride Toronto.

Im very tolerant of peoples lives. Unless you pay my bills, I mind my business. BUT THE ABSOLUTE FILTH I HAVE SEEN TONIGHT IS INSANE. Edit; Want to clarify I was at the theatre by yonge Dundas Square (Toronto) to watch Wicked. Did not have any intent to be near/at Pride Toronto.


[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0)

I have no problems with sexuality. Whatever genitalia you want to stick up you is none of my business.

Its people like the dragQueen you mentioned who are NOT truly celebrating pride. They are the people who give them the bad name. Theres a time and place to be crude and vulgar. It just makes me sick knowing that people get abused and afraid because of their sexuality, and then people like that ^ ruin it for everybody.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

I feel ya man. I'm actually very socially liberal and financially conservative on the political spectrum. There comes a point where tolerance for tolerance sake isn't a virtue. It's a narcissistic disease used to virtue signal a person's supposedly endless altruism. Oh God, gay marriage. Don't care. No one is making ya marry a dude.

Gay pride parades are just insane degenerate spectacles w/ nudity and lewd acts people bring their kids to these days.