Replies may be delayed, but I'll get to them. Game devs are awful at acknowledging NDAs, as well as hardware companies (amd, nv, qualcomm, imagination, etc.). Ask me about development process, other high profile games, how to get hired, what to study, ama. I've been here over a decade.

Replies may be delayed, but I'll get to them. Game devs are awful at acknowledging NDAs, as well as hardware companies (amd, nv, qualcomm, imagination, etc.). Ask me about development process, other high profile games, how to get hired, what to study, ama. I've been here over a decade.


[–] SilverBanana 2 points (+2|-0)

Do you sometimes have desire to create game by yourself and have control over the whole process?

[–] jobes [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

Yes, all the time. I have many friends and co-workers who have either become millionaires or are still paying off debts from companies they started. 90%+ of them fail. It's truly a brutal industry. Your best chance at success is literally knowing someone, preferably someone at a publishing company so you can ink a contract.