[–] THC 1 points (+1|-0)

First and foremost cannabis tea (really the only valid argument)

Bonuses: Variety & Doesn't stain teeth or stink up your breathe.

[–] ashekchum [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Never tried a cannabis tea, how is it? Does it even taste good, can it get you high?

[–] THC 1 points (+1|-0)


It's delicious

It definitely can, and will.

Most people do not know that it's not thc getting them high when they ingest cannabis, but rather 11hydroxy-thc which is actually much more potent via easier crossing of the blood brain barrier and lasts much longer than thc via inhalation.

[–] TheRedArmy 1 points (+1|-0)

Tea really is fantastic. I never drink coffee because it just doesn't taste good to me.

I drink almost exclusively black tea, but many different kinds, both hot and cold. I wish I was a little less lazy and make more tea for myself rather than soda (which tea also tastes better than).

[–] ashekchum [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

Yeah don't drink much soda myself since I've started drinking more tea, have you tried lapsong souchon. It's a smoked black tea it's very different.

[–] TheRedArmy 1 points (+1|-0)

I have not. There's only so many selections here, I live in a kind of rural area and the only reasonably sized town nearby is only 125K people (actually had to look that up, a lot bigger than I expected).

But that sounds good, what do you recommend for trying to find that kind of tea? I'm interested in a few things exotic (particularly if you can drink it cold).

[–] ashekchum [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

Well I'd say first that it's really not that good of a tea, very Smokey, if you like scotch you might like it. I got mine off Amazon, really good if you want to bulk order something as of m for iced black teas I don't know that many. Iced though tazo passion herbal tea is really good, * esp if mixed with lemonade*. Maybe a spearmint black tea mix, like a plantation mint may be what you are looking for.