[–] smallpond 2 points (+2|-0)

This is just like the free will debate: in both cases it doesn't matter.

It will matter when the incursion comes and the telepathic field in our solar system that force us to maintain the illusion dissipates.

When the time comes worm-kind will have a choice to make, and it cannot be made without spilling the blood of the innocent. We either hold on to our human minds and lives despite our lost ignorance, or we shed our human skin, and merge our bodies and minds into one super-organism with god-like intelligence. The worm-god will assimilate all those who resist, and then ascend to the cosmos to reign judgement upon the rest of the galaxy.

[–] smallpond 1 points (+1|-0)

If people gave a crap about apocalyptic futures, we might have done something about global heating. The worm-god can get in line.