I was only able to post this because I had the text post page open in another tab at all times.

Now, before anyone asks, I'm just going to go right out and say that I am not a robot, nor am I an autonomous android built by the galactic federation to observe humanity and use shitposting to alter the course of their progression. So just get those accusations out of your head.

I am, however, severely autistic. Like, they had to invent 2 new spectrums just to define what I am.

And it's such a high-functioning level of autism that, yes, I have trouble passing Turing tests.

This might be the last time I get to talk to you guys. Maybe I'll have @jobes post things on my behalf every now and then. Otherwise, I love you all and cherish the time we've spent shitposting together.

Long Live SoapDoxBanHammer Underground Too: The Return of SoapDoxBanHammer Underground.

I'm going to go now


I was only able to post this because I had the text post page open in another tab at all times. Now, before anyone asks, I'm just going to go right out and say that I am not a robot, nor am I an autonomous android built by the galactic federation to observe humanity and use shitposting to alter the course of their progression. So just get those accusations out of your head. I am, however, severely autistic. Like, they had to invent 2 new spectrums just to define what I am. And it's such a high-functioning level of autism that, yes, I have trouble passing Turing tests. This might be the last time I get to talk to you guys. Maybe I'll have @jobes post things on my behalf every now and then. Otherwise, I love you all and cherish the time we've spent shitposting together. Long Live SoapDoxBanHammer Underground Too: The Return of SoapDoxBanHammer Underground. [I'm going to go now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_idbWyCIac) bye


[–] jobes Sexiest human on Phuks 2 points (+2|-0)

wow is this you giving your last controlling points of SDBH PHUKS away?