Heat 1/2 cup grapeseed oil in stainless steel pan.

Add 1 can beer if over 21 or at Mattvision's house

Add whole head of cabbage to the pan and stir with wooden spoon.

Add 4 beets after 2min

After 5min add eight baby carrots

After 8min add four eggs

Now scoop the food onto your plate and you are done. Salt and pepper to taste.

Heat 1/2 cup grapeseed oil in stainless steel pan. Add 1 can beer if over 21 or at Mattvision's house Add whole head of cabbage to the pan and stir with wooden spoon. Add 4 beets after 2min After 5min add eight baby carrots After 8min add four eggs Now scoop the food onto your plate and you are done. Salt and pepper to taste.

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