Rules will be similar to a reddit quarantine, so if you are caught up-phuking any posts on /s/broccoli you will be banned without hesitation. Objection to this quarantine will be met with immediate banning. Mods may be removed.

Thank you for your support, The SDBH Human Resources Department

Rules will be similar to a reddit quarantine, so if you are caught up-phuking any posts on /s/broccoli you will be banned without hesitation. Objection to this quarantine will be met with immediate banning. Mods may be removed. Thank you for your support, The SDBH Human Resources Department


[–] jobes [OP] Sexiest human on Phuks 3 points (+3|-0)

I have considered pre-banning @mattvision because I can guarantee he will act a fool and delete the CSS when he sees this post, but I have faith that he will walk into this discussion with a level head.

Also I backed it up this time lol

[–] [Deleted] Most updated flairs 2022 1 points (+1|-0)

I'm a superspreader.

[–] jobes [OP] Sexiest human on Phuks 2 points (+2|-0)

No one has ever doubted that you are a "bugchaser" and a "spreader"

[–] [Deleted] Most updated flairs 2022 1 points (+1|-0)


[–] jobes [OP] Sexiest human on Phuks 1 points (+1|-0)

This post does not go against quarantine rules unfortunately, so you will not be banned for this hate speech.