[–] Mattvision Tryin to make a change :/ 2 points (+2|-0)

Jesus man, being an adult in the room? Have you forgotten where you are?

Cabbage has corrupted your mind, turned you into some kind of normie scum. That's not who you are! You're Jobes, king of the shitposters!

This is why I fight on the side of Broccoli. I cannot stand by and watch my world, and everything I know and care about be torn asunder by the influence of the evil bud. You have all become slaves, and I am going to make you free, even if it means I never get to sit upon my CSS throne ever again! I will not let up! I will fight until my dying breath for the sake of Broccoli, for the sake of mankind!

[–] jobes [OP] Sexiest human on Phuks 2 points (+2|-0)

Look (insert gender here), I want you on our team. We need your autism to make out CSS tick. None of us have nearly as severe disabilities as you naturally have and we are at a loss without you. I miss you, (insert gender here).

I don't care about being banned anymore, but I won't relinquish my love for a leafy green that holds up well in a stir fry.

If I invite you back, would you accept? If this sub taught me one think its that diversity of thought and inclusion of faggots is important.

[–] Mattvision Tryin to make a change :/ 1 points (+1|-0)

I would accept it back. And I will use my gift to make SDBH a place where Broccoli and Cabbage can coexist passive aggressively with only occasional outbreaks of fighting!