Seems like it's dying.

My Jewish upbringing forbids me to spend one shekel more than necessary, you goyim scum.

Seems like it's dying. My Jewish upbringing forbids me to spend one shekel more than necessary, you goyim scum.


[–] PMYA 🎂 Today's my birthday 🎂 4 points (+4|-0)

I'm keeping mine there forever. They became invaluable once they got modded on /v/news.

[–] [Deleted] 4 points (+4|-0)

Your selfless sacrifice will be remembered until we forget.

[–] Boukert LovesCock 2 points (+2|-0)

The Cabal handbook chapter 17, paragraph 46, By-Law 27-B clearly states.

"In case of an abandoned operation, Manipulation bots will need to remain active for atleast 3,4 months after the Cabal counsel has decided to move!"

Does anyone actually ever read the handbook?