[–] Boukert LovesCock 4 points (+4|-0)

Are they eating it with their feet? Or hasn't @PMYA evolved to that stage yet?

[–] PMYA 🎂 Today's my birthday 🎂 3 points (+3|-0)

Give it a few months and maybe I will stoop to that level.

[–] jobes [OP] Sexiest human on Phuks 3 points (+3|-0)

He has to pay for the private cam shows to watch them eating with their toes

[–] PMYA 🎂 Today's my birthday 🎂 3 points (+3|-0)

Because at this point, watching Korean girls eat chicken is the only way I can cum.

[–] jobes [OP] Sexiest human on Phuks 3 points (+3|-0)

Does it have to be fried chicken, or can you get off to them eating grilled, baked, broiled or boiled chicken as well?

[–] PMYA 🎂 Today's my birthday 🎂 3 points (+3|-0)

Anything is fine but I prefer fried.