[–] Boukert [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Trump would not offer specifics about the source of his asserted power, which he claimed, despite constitutional limitations, was absolute.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

His growing weird comments and Bidens losing his mind make the upcoming Presidential election one of the oddest ones ever. Fuck Biden, by the way.

[–] E-werd 1 points (+2|-1)

Remember when people were saying that Obama wasn't going to leave office after his terms, that he'd find a way to stay in power? MRW Trump manages to actually do it.

[–] Dii_Casses -1 points (+0|-1) Edited

Sadly the First Amendment only shackles Congress' hands, not governors. If there was anything the president should have absolute authority over it would putting a stop to infringement on our liberties.