I don't get it. For the side that's been "winning" so much lately, why resort to such dastardly and under handed tactics?

Aren't attack ads supposed to be the ammunition of the losing party?

[–] PhuksMulder 1 points (+1|-0)

Republican's are the losing party. Democrat's are also. The most misunderstood thing about Trump is that he is a 3rd party candidate that got in the only way possible... w/ some of the 2 party support. In the 90s he was considered a democrat, the first time he ran was as ross perot's reform party. Most younger trump voters don't give a shit about gay marriage or the stuff we're told we have to support one way or another. I don't "like" abortions but they don't interfere w/ my life. If you "like" abortions you're some kind of asshole. Paul Ryan hated him... JEB Bush hated him... every career politician on the planet "hated him". I voted for economic decisions. Not some crusade he doesn't give a shit about and doesn't affect the average American's life. Trannys in the military? Go for it. Don't make me foot the bill for breast implants whether you're male or female and we're cool.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

Both sides do this. It's up to Americans to be an educated electorate and inform themselves, to see pass the BS and look at actions. That's why we're in trouble, the electorate is lasy and easily succumbs to propaganda, especially confirmation bias.