[–] ScorpioGlitch 5 points (+5|-0) Edited

So, to be as succinct as possible:

"White people moved in, called police an insane number of times" when it really only came from a handful of people regarding 4 target addresses. During that time, white population jumped 8% but police response to calls increased nearly 600%.

Other areas only had a 5% increase in complaints.

the percentage of the white population in gentrified tracts increase by roughly 6 points, while it went down everywhere else.

Duh, this is what "gentrification" is. It's white people moving into an area and it's never from out of the local area. Did they really feel it was necessary to provide a chart showing what gentrification was?

And then, after laying out all this evidence about the evils of white people do they bother to tell you that it used to be a high crime area and is still recovering from high crime levels. But this is a "white people" problem.

Leave it to buzzfeed.

[–] [Deleted] 5 points (+5|-0) Edited

the police, who said the majority were filed by one person.

That's the best part. Most of the complaints are from one person, yet we have this huge article on how white people are such meanies!

I thought it was bad to judge a whole group of people based the actions of a few.

It's also funny to me that apparently minorities can't understand it's inappropriate to make a bunch of noise and play loud music outside other people's homes. Only white people understand how to act civil and respectful of others? I guess BuzzFeed just confirmed it.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Dude, "buzzfeed confirmed"... cold day in hades, huh?

minorities can't understand it's inappropriate to make a bunch of noise and play loud music outside other people's homes

If the community culture is that way, I wouldn't have a problem with it. I've been in different communities where they did different things. Sometimes it's strange but it works for the community so I can either like it or move. It's the community culture and it's up to the new home owner to make sure that the community is one they like. It kind of works in reverse. You can't expect one culture to come into a community and force changes <cough Sharia cough>. Hopefully I'm pointing out a contradiction that many people are expected to swallow and enjoy.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

Which is probably why America is broken. It was supposed to be a melting pot, yet some communities have failed to adapt.