[–] E-werd 1 points (+1|-0)

I was having a hard time making sense of that headline, but here's the good paragraph:

Previous state legislation in Missouri had required people who wanted to braid hair for profit to obtain a cosmetology license — which required the completion of 1,500 hours of training.

Ok, ok, that makes a lot more sense. How they fixed it?

HB 1500 lowered the barriers to entry into the industry — instead of costly expenses and 1,500 hours of training, state regulations now require a registration fee of $20 maximum and the viewing of a 4-6 hour video.

I think this is just fine. Everything is reversible here, it's not a big deal.

[–] unabashed_centrist 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

It's a severely biased article. It makes several assumptions and tells me how I'm supposed to feel. Even if I agree with it, I'm all for news that lets me come to my own conclusions.