Today the US is ranked 38 by the WHO in healthcare. But is number 1 on spending for it.
Most of the 37 above are countries with socialized medicine.

Canada has embraced socialist ideas from the start, and never experienced a 'slippery slope'.
Compromise is not impossible, or impractical. Even poorly run socialized healthcare outperforms comprehensive private care.
I get a level of care that 99% of Americans will never see, for a cost less than my phone bill. When I needed a new type of surgery in a semi-emergency situation, they flew in the guy that pioneered the technique to perform the operation.
How much would that have cost in the US, and would it be available to 'regular' people?

Reagan was an actor that thought 'trickle down economics' was a good idea.
I'm gonna side with the evidence over the sponsored actor.

[–] Owlchemy [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Because a system works for Canada, doesn't necessarily mean it will work in the US. Each time socialized medicine has been tried it has failed miserably here. The Veterans Administration (VA) medical system here is an obvious example. Say what you want, but having lived in simpler times before the government got its grubby fingers into our medical system, I'll take the old system any day. Capitalism, as in all things, works far better than socialism. Help those in need, but stay out of 'everything, everywhere' ... that doesn't work. There will always be many shortchanged.

As for Reagan, again, you can have your opinion, but I also have mine. It is an insult strictly to say he was an 'actor' and therefore not qualified to speak and act as a leader. In America, anyone can grow up to be President, it's our system, whether completely true or not, it is the ideal. You needn't be a brain dead professional politician with little clue of anything outside the bounds of political ambition to lead. In fact in reality, those who limit themselves to that way of life rarely become good leaders. It is those who have a grasp beyond the ivory towers who perform the best.

In conclusion, politics and religion are best kept to oneself, and I likely shouldn't have added this link, as Phuks is not heavily into such lunacy. So I'll leave it here having expressed my opinions, and we can all go back to our own corners - LOL.

I appreciate contrary views when they are expressed in a reasonable manor.

Because a system works for Canada, doesn't necessarily mean it will work in the US

Agreed. The Canadian model isn't a great one to emulate anyway. It has many flaws. Still outperforms the the US though.

As for Reagan, again .. It is an insult strictly to say he was an 'actor' and therefore not qualified..

I meant that I believe his strength was in acting, and performance. Something I think he used to get and further his position.
I don't think he was qualified politically because he was convinced/misled into an economic policy that turned the worlds industrial power into 'service'(No middleclass) based economics.

politics and religion are best kept to oneself

But this is the internet. Politics and religion account for 30% of all internet content. The other 70% is porn.

[–] Owlchemy [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

LOL - I know the internet is politics, religion, and porn ... but I sincerely enjoy Phuks, where such things rarely enter the picture. This place is too 'cool' to ruin with such nonsense as politics and religion, where no one is completely right and no one changes anyone's minds. It's an effort in futility, so I try my best to stay focused on things that entertain or inform. Like I said, I just watched that video and probably shouldn't have opened a can of worms - LOL. I know better. You take care!!!